Hello there! This website will show the main information about me in a comfortable format and suitable classification. I am hardworking, responsible and attentive to details. I love to face new challenges, to learn new information and to discover new programmes. It is delightful to do the additional research to create self-sufficient work which will be satisficing not only for the client but also for myself.
It is inspiring to foresee the influence of buildings on humans’ lives and people’s preferable ways to move through constructions. Also, it is fascinating how the integration of the specific sense into a project could bring benefit to a client as well as to the main global world aspects. The architect can lead to the correct path, which will allow a project to stay longer, bring more profit and be pleasing.
-Darya Churkina
I don’t want to overload this website with too much information due to that some projects will not be included. Don’t hesitate to send an email and I will show you more curious projects.
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